Mastering the Art of Citing MATLAB for Your Work

In this extensive guide, we will delve into the process of citing MATLAB, providing a clear understanding of its significance for engineers, researchers, and technical professionals. We will explore h …

Updated October 24, 2023

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In this extensive guide, we will delve into the process of citing MATLAB, providing a clear understanding of its significance for engineers, researchers, and technical professionals. We will explore how to properly acknowledge MATLAB usage within your work, such as projects, reports, and papers, as well as touch upon other tools you may utilize along with MATLAB. Additionally, we will offer some tips on using the Matlab programming language and its powerful Computer Vision capabilities for various applications.

Introduction to Citing MATLAB

MATLAB is a high-performance computing environment widely used by engineers, scientists, and researchers across various domains. As an essential tool in their work, it’s crucial to recognize and acknowledge the contributions of its developers when presenting work that utilizes MATLAB. Citing MATLAB helps provide credit where it’s due and allows readers to understand the tools or resources utilized for conducting your research or developing a particular solution.

In this article, we will explore how you can appropriately cite MATLAB in different contexts, including academic papers, technical reports, projects, and more. We will also delve into the importance of citing and provide examples of various formats, such as APA (American Psychological Association), Chicago, and IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) styles. Furthermore, we will discuss how to acknowledge MATLAB when using it alongside other tools for advanced applications in computer vision.

Understanding Citation Styles

Citation style is an essential component in academic writing and research as it allows readers to trace the sources of information used in your work. There are several citation styles available, each with its own specific guidelines:

  1. APA (American Psychological Association) - Designed for social science papers, this format emphasizes clarity and brevity. It typically places author names and year of publication within parentheses after citing the relevant material.
  2. Chicago - Primarily used in the humanities, history, and literary studies, this style often requires the use of footnotes or endnotes. Cited sources are also indicated by a superscript number placed within the text.
  3. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) - Created for engineering, science, and technology publications, this format places the author’s name and year in parentheses following the cited material. It also uses arabic numerals instead of roman numerals when listing references at the end of the document.

How to Cite MATLAB

Citing MATLAB is done in a similar manner as citing other software or tools you might utilize for your work. You generally acknowledge it with the name of the program, version number (if applicable), and any relevant details, such as the date accessed. Here are a few examples:

  1. In-text Citation (APA) - Refer to MATLAB within the body of your work using parentheses: “The research was conducted in MATLAB, which is used widely by engineers for data analysis and visualization.”
  2. Endnote or Footnote Citation (Chicago) - Place a superscript number within the text to direct readers to a note detailing the source information. For example, when citing MATLAB at the end of your work: “Matlab was employed in this study to develop an algorithm for object detection and classification (footnote).”
  3. IEEE-Style Citation - Include MATLAB within your text, followed by a parenthesis containing the name of the program, version number if applicable, and possibly any additional details about the resource: “To generate these results, we utilized MATLAB for image processing and analysis (MATLAB R2018a).”
  4. Referencing in References Section - Include your reference to MATLAB within the references section of your work using a standard citation format. For example, in an APA-style paper, it might appear as: “MathWorks Inc. (2018). MATLAB release notes for R2018a [Software]. Retrieved from"

Citing MATLAB alongside Computer Vision Tools and Techniques

Engineers, researchers, and technical professionals often combine various tools, software, and techniques to accomplish complex tasks in their work. When citing MATLAB along with other computer vision tools like OpenCV or TensorFlow, it’s essential to provide context for the role each resource played within your project or research.

  1. Citing both MATLAB and another tool - To recognize the contributions of multiple tools used in your work, you might include a sentence such as: “The object recognition algorithm was implemented using Python (OpenCV) and MATLAB, which allowed for real-time image processing and analysis.” Here, you would cite OpenCV in its respective style along with MATLAB.
  2. Referencing specific functions or libraries - If you use a particular function from MATLAB or another computer vision tool within your work, it’s essential to acknowledge the authors of that function as well. This might look like: “We employed a custom-built object detection algorithm in OpenCV, utilizing an existing implementation of the Viola-Jones feature for face recognition and Haar-like features in MATLAB.”
  3. Citing MATLAB alongside other resources - In some cases, you might reference multiple tools or libraries while also acknowledging various data sources and publications that contributed to your work. This could lead to a citation like: “To train our classifier, we utilized the NIST-GaN Image Database (Mahmood et al., 2015), as well as MATLAB for image segmentation and feature extraction using a wavelet transform.”


Properly citing MATLAB in your work is essential to demonstrate professionalism, transparency, and respect for the contributions of others involved in your research or project. By adhering to different citation styles, such as APA, Chicago, and IEEE, you can effectively communicate the tools and resources that were utilized for creating solutions or conducting experiments. Furthermore, acknowledging MATLAB alongside other computer vision tools helps shed light on the collaborative nature of advanced technology development and the importance of leveraging various resources to overcome complex challenges.

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